It's Monday, 11/11/2013. This morning I listened to some of "Democracy Now!", which is incidentally about the best current events radio show there is, although I do have one reservation about it, which I will get to presently.
There was a news story to the effect that someone else had been killed with a drone strike.
I don't recall any details except that "al Qaeda", that mysterious Goldstein of our time, was the reason why the killing was done.
I don't know about the rest of you people out there in internet land, but I am sick and tired of hearing about al Qaeda.
Actually, I'm sick and tired of the Middle East dominating the news and major public discourse for so many years.
So much of what we hear in the States is propaganda. It is almost impossible to know what to believe.
The killing goes on in the countries the United States has attacked since September 11, 2001, in the longest war group or series of American history- is it not? Also, the most expensive.
Why do these wars, these occupations, these drone killings, and all the propaganda go on, and on, and on, and yet, never makes sense?
I believe it cannot make sense because the whole shebang is based on a false first premise. Sounds like a mild little thing, doesn't it? A false first premise.
"Premise" sounds like "promise", and promises are good things, or are supposed to be, depending upon what is being promised.
"First"- well, Americans love to be first in anything.
"False"- not so good. But considering that "first", and "promise"- I mean, "premise"- are there, it is two to one in the initial impression word-off. The result is that "false first premise" sounds about as harmless as a toothless old pet.
But do not be deceived. The false first premise is deadly. It is powerful. It waits, behind all things, and will strike any time, because it can.
It can, because it is behind all things, you see.
That is, in the now de-named Global War on Terror, and in the vendettas (for that is what they were, with all the dirtiness the term implies) against the former Goldstein series of Osama bin Laden later joined by Saddam Hussein; in the drone strikes, and the undeclared war against parts of Pakistan, Yemen, Afghanistan, and other nations; ; in the TSA, and the NSA, and in Homeland Security, and in the very word "Homeland", lurks the false first premise.
The false first premise is, of course, the assumption that the destruction of the World Trade Center to dust and mangled steel and melted concrete was accomplished by means of a combination of weak construction, bad concrete, thin steel, the force of an airplane crashing through the side, low-temperature fires fueled by kerosene, and the force of gravity working from a height of about one quarter-mile and lower. It's all, to quote the late Bob Bowman, hogwash.
I admit, the airliner strikes were horrendous. However, the airplane weighed far less than even one concrete floor without its tons of steel trusses and reinforcement. The airplane weighed a little less than two hundred tons.
One airplane hit the North Tower, World Trade Center One, and another hit the south Tower, World Trade Center Two, a little while later, we know, and this is easily confirmed by watching the archival video of the events.
Each tower had well over one hundred thousand tons of concrete in it and approximately eighty thousand tons of steel.
The airplane was packed with kinetic energy from its high speed, of course, and so was more damaging then its much lower mass might suggest.
But if the airplane weighed two hundred tons, and the tower weighted one hundred and eighty thousand tons, that is a proportion of nine hundred to one in the differences in mass of the two objects.
So let's imagine nine hundred pounds of typical concrete, the same kind we see all over the place.
Nine hundred pounds of concrete is not a very big piece.
It would be, depending upon the type and whether it was so-called "lightweight" concrete, about seven or eight cubic feet of concrete.
That would be a slab of concrete one foot wide, eight feet ling, and one foot thick.
Let's slice it lengthwise into thirds, and make a piece which is three feet wide, four inches thick, and eight feet long- just like eight feet of common sidewalk, in fact.
We've all seen that sidewalks and other concrete structures sometimes crack.
So, just to make this more fun, assume that the eight foot by three foot by four-inch slab of sidewalk is cracked in several places.
Now, what I want to do is to take a one-pound piece of something, like rock or concrete or metal, and throw it at the sidewalk really hard.
Let's see. The airplane was going a few hundred miles an hour. So I can't just throw the one-pound lump at the sidewalk. It will only bounce off, and it's not a very good experiment to change velocities that way.
What we need is a cannon, and a small cannonball.
Those guys that re-enact historical events sometimes have little cannons.
Let's pretend we borrow such a little cannon, and a big bearded, fur-clad fellow smelling of black powder who knows how to shoot it, and does so each Fourth of July to make a big boom that echoes up and down the river, to call the people to the fireworks, or perhaps to scare them off.
Of course, no cannonball is used. So, let's pretend a museum donates one, or an end-times survivalist sneaks one out of his underground bunker, and lets us use it just for an experiment, since he has plenty more, and would like to solve this mystery as much as anyone else- or so it is hoped.
A cannon is better shot in a horizontal direction, I believe, rather than straight down at a sidewalk, so next, we are going to borrow some strong people from the local homeless shelter and pay them enough for a bottle of Vino de Tavola to share- no, not really. Maybe give them lunch, for their help in setting the nine-hundred pound slab of concrete on end.
But it won't stay up.
Let's just do it over. This time, we pour it in a piece with steel inside of it, steel on the whole back of it, and steel rods going down, holding it into the ground.
Now, since the bearded guy has to get back soon to his machine shop or motorcycle factory or law office after this long lunch, and the homeless guys have been sent home to the shelter, it is time to fire up the little cannon- it's hardly bigger than a swivel or a murtherer, and only fires a tiny cannonball.
A pound of iron is a small lump.
Ready, set, almost go.
Standing by is a firebug with five gallons of kerosene and a lot of paper and stuff, wood and whatnot, ready to build a fire around the on-end slab of steel-reinforced sidewalk, which weighs nine hundred pounds.
Ready, set, go... Fire!
The little cannonball goes right through. It's so fast you can't see it.
The slab cracks, but holds together. A significant puff of dust and a spray of gravel and sand come out the other side, and a hole is punched through the concrete and the sheet steel that backs the concrete up.
Then the firebug moves in, and puts all the wood and paper and whatnot around the still-standing slab of concrete, and then pours five gallons- hell, make it twenty gallons!- of kerosene on it all, and lights it... with a maniacal gleam in his eyes, by the way.
Then there is nothing to do but wait, and be ready to run.
Just wait a while. Wait for the fire to burn down.
You can tell because the smoke becomes less and it is all sooty and black, and the flames are dark orange, and only seem to lick and creep, not roar.
Wait a while. Any minute now.
After all, we used a hundred times too much kerosene, and the cannonball was one three-hundredth of the weight of the slab instead of a nine-hundredth.
The plane was going three or four hundred miles an hour, but the cannonball was going faster than that.
The plane was aluminum, and the cannonball was iron, which is denser and harder.
So just wait. Any minute now. Perhaps we ought to back up to across the street and just let this do its thing. Any time now. We know it will happen. We saw it happen on Sep-...
THERE! There is is-- no, wait, nothing is happening; it was just a Bic lighter accidentally mixed in with the paper trash. Just keep waiting.
Hours later, the slab, with a hole in it, is mostly cooled down, although blackened and not good as new.
The experiment being over, a truck is called in, and a man with a jackhammer and a wheelbarrow and a cutting torch and a hot saw, which can cut either concrete or steel, although rather slowly- and in a couple of hours, he has the slab broken down, put in the wheelbarrow in pieces, wheeled to the pickup truck, and hauled off to the county dump.
Think how impossible, indeed absurd, is the idea that the slab of sidewalk in the experiment could have blown up into hundreds of pounds of concrete dust and gravel and molten droplets of steel in essentially atomized form.
But that is what happened to the ninety thousand tons of concrete in each of the Twin Towers, and to much of the eighty thousand tons of structural steel in each of the Twin Towers, on September 11, 2001.
And we were told, and are still being told, that the airplane and the fire and gravity made it happen.
We are told, or at least it is always insinuated, that the U.S. continues to kill human beings in the Middle East because of "al Qaeda" because "al Qaeda" made the September 11 disaster happen.
So the false first premise, you see, has cost countless lives and brought indescribable amounts of suffering to the world.
The whole story is a lie, for the Twin Towers were exploded by pre-planted demolitions and incendiaries.
There is no other explanation which fits the facts. It is not a hard problem.
The hard problem is getting people to step out of the brainwashed state of mind caused by the twelve years of repeating the same lie over and over again.
But those buildings were exploded. You can, and should, bet your life on it.
Oh, and about "Democracy Now" ? My only reservation about it is that it won't touch this subject of the explosive demolition of the world Trade Center, despite the facts which support it so powerfully. So what is going on, Ms. Goodman? What is really going on here? It should be the biggest story of all.
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