Tuesday, December 11, 2018

9/11: Rationally debunking the no-planes theory and the "sliced through it like butter" concept

My comment submitted to
Iroquois Eyes
12 hours ago
"This guy is a dope, I only watched to hear Dr. Fetzer, he's an extremely smart man. I knew the day it happened there was no way that plane went through that building like a knife through butter.?"

My comment:

How did you know that? You can't know that.  Let's look at the no-plane mystery in terms of the building structure and easily confirmed visual evidence.

The airplanes were real. They did hit the Towers, one after another.

How could they fly through the 14" square hollow box columns every 3 feet or sao along the exterior walls of the towers?

Here's how it happened, I propose:

    1. Start by looking at the old 17 or 18-minute promotional/construction video, and the old photographs,  made  during, and about,  the construction of the Twin Towers.
 The video and photos are easy to locate.

 See those 36-foot by 10- foot  3-column units- like huge "chex", or   like squared "hashtags"?

They were made of three vertical  square hollow steel columns, 14" x 14",  capped by welded-on end plates, and horizontally   connected by 3-foot wide, 1/2" or thicker  steel bands called "spandrels".

 These prefabricated units comprised almost the whole structure of the exterior walls of the Twin Towers.

The end plates had  six (usually) or maybe 8 holes drilled through, about 1.25" or  1.5" diameter,  for  steel bolts which connected the 3-column units,  end to end, all the way  from ground level, or close to ground level, up to the top.

The bolts held the exterior walls together, making the four exterior walls essentially one piece.

Each wide steel "spandrel " band, (two of them per prefab unit) was welded to the three columns, and welded and bolted to the thousands of floor trusses which joined the outside walls to the core columns on all four sides.

The spandrels were also joined by welds and/or bolts to the adjacent spandrels, so that every twelve feet vertically was a wide,  continuous, steel  plate, each "band" of connected spanderels  serving to support one  floor  structure  across the distance from core structure to perimeter walls. (60 feet on long sides of core and thirty feet on short sides of core)

Notice that there are oval access holes in both ends of each 36-foot columns comprising the prefab "chex".

These holes were used,  during original contruction of the Twin  Towers,  to access the drilled holes in the end plates and then to install, with hand tools or hand power tools,  the end plate connecting bolts. .

If my description is confusing or hard to visualire,  just look up  drawings  or photos, also easy to find,  which show these details.

Understand that the bolts holding the ends of the prefab "chex" units became redundant, and superfluous (that is, no longer needed) after the trusses and floors were in place.

That is, after the floors were hooked up to the walls and the core, tying them together, there was no necessary function of those end-plate connecting bolts any more.

 The exterior walls could not go down, the trusses held them from going out or in in a horizontal plane, and gravity prevented them from going up.

NOW, look at ground zero photos of the mess on the ground after the destruction of the Twin Towers.

 In many photographs, the ends of the "chex" units are clearly visible.

Almost all of the visible end plates of the chex  will be seen to be missing the 6 or 8 connecting bolts which held them together during construction.
 A FEW of the end plates show the remains of the bolts, bent or  broken.
But most of those end plates have NO bolts in them.  And no sign that they had ever been there.

At the time the ground zero photos were taken, it is highly unlikely that cleanup workers manually removed the bolts.

Did the bolts all break, then?

There appears to be no damage to the end plates.

Tensile failure of the bolts, or explosives destroying the bolts, would leave distortion, scorch marks, or some other indication on the end plates.

But the vast majority of the end plates that can be seen in the pile of mixed debris after collapse are flat and undistorted and show no signs of extreme heat or of explosive or even of mechanical force sufficient to break the bolts,  or tear them free,  as the towers came down.

There should be many bolts visible. Instead,  there are empty holes.  Since the end plates are mostly undamaged, the only way the bolts could have been taken out is either by non-thermal cutting (i.e. by a saw or grinder) OR, more simply,  because the nuts and washers and bolts  had been removed, leaving those junctures without connectors at all.

 Why would those thousands of connecting bolts, which were, during original construction,  installed by means of the access holes,  be absent in the ground zero photographs and videos?

 I'll get to that.The fact is,  perhaps  95 of 100 of these bolts are simply absent, and there has been no explanation forthcoming to explain this fact.

IF  these bolts had been REMOVED,  via the access holes, during the standing life of the towers, there would have been NO  effect upon the strength or stabilty of the towers.

That may sound absurd, but is true, and logical. The funhction of the bolts was superceded by the thousands of 3'-deep bar trusses, their steel pans, shear loops, shear studs, and  the  continuous, monolithic steel-reinforced concrete slabs of the floors,  every twelve feet vertically.

That is to say,  as soon as  the floors were in place, those end-connecting  bolts were not needed any more.
FINALLY, look at the photos, videos, and drawings which show the so-called  "plane-shaped holes" through the exterior walls of the Towers.

You will see that they are not exactly plane-shaped, but stepped, with  straight horizontal lines of breakage -- even though the airplanes were tilted as they hit.

Closer inspection shows that the "plane shaped" holes were  made of (mostly, not entirely) of straight horizontal lines.

 Even closer inspection  reveals that the walls fractured, or came apart, ALONG  the lines of the connected "chex"- the end plate/bolted lines. This occurred NOT because these junctions were weaker-  they were probably  equal to, or stronger than, the columns themselves- but because they had been disconnected, and the bolts removed,  prior to Sept. 11, 2001, as part of the demolition setup.
This could have been accomplished over a period of time- even in a leisurely manner, over a period of several months. 

The columns are NOT  sliced by aluminum.

They are NOT cut by the profile of the plane.

The walls gave way along the pre-weakened  lines defined by the ends of the "chex".

 The columns are primarily bend inward, not cut or broken, and it is my opinion, which no one has proven incorrect, that the connecting bolts, being  both redundant and unnecessary, had been removed, by workmen, possibly in full view of office workers, and probably on some other pretext such as wiring, insulation, running network cables, or the like.

Now on to the moments- the roughly fifteen seconds- when each whole Tower structure, in turn,  came apart.

It can be seen in many videos, photos, and grounhd zero imagery that for the most part, the bolted joints had been the loci where the walls separated,  and it will also be seen that the pieces on the ground were, mostly, 36 feet long, and,  coincidentally, as easy to truck FROM  the World Trade Center site as they had been to originally truck TO the site,  some thirty-odd  years earlier.

It is evident and generally undisputed,  from much video proof and many eyewitness statements,  that the  concrete floors and their supporting steel pans,  and the 30 foot and 60 foot bar trusses, were almost utterly destroyed to small particles and powder and "dust", (so-called: i.e., finely pulverized concrete), mixed with shattered and/or melted steel from trusses, pans, and slab reinforcement, which,   during the destruction,  (as each tower fell- turning to powder as it came down)  were melted or otherwise  broken very small, and almost simultaneously were expelled with great force outward (these are the "iron rich microspheres" found in the "dust" of the collapse. ) - all of these different materials being part of the stunning and unprecedented "concrete waterfalls" seen in the collapse videos.

The trusses, pans, and bolts were also absent almost completely from the ground zero rubble (see article entitled something like "where did the trusses go?" or "what happened to the 26,000 trusses?", an old article (not by me) which should still be available.)

 These steel members were destroyed, along with the concrete, as a result of explosives and/or incendiaries in the core area, and possibly in the  utility spaces under the concrete floors but above the ceilings

When the explosives in the core destroyed the connection between the core columns and the perimeter columns, suddenly the stability of the outside walls was lost, and they were like sticks piled end on end in a long vertical line--  [except in areas where the bolts connecting them were still in place: these areas became the tall still-standing walls with no other visible support but themselves, which extended upward from several stories to maybe fifteen or so stories from the ground. These thin, tall, broad partsd of the walls still had their connecting bolts, and so they still stood, although precariously, after the floors were destroyed.
To sum up, the airplanes went through walls that had been weakened every three stories*,   by the removal of the  end plate connecting bolts.

The airplanes did not have to cut the columns,  but pushed them inward and bent them,  allowing the planes to ender the towers, where the fuselage and wings etc.  immediaterly were broken into very small pieces, probably with the help of a missile (there may have been a missile fired from each plane just before it hit the walls), by impact,  and/or by explosives inside the buildings or on the planes-   planes which blew up upon impact, creating the giant fireballs that came back out the "plane shaped holes" or out the other side as in Tower 2  (the south tower)-   or out both sides.  (I would have to refresh my memory on that detail, but it doesn't matter since it is not significant to my theory).
Now, if this whole explanation seems complicated or hard to grasp, just re-read it, maybe with some visual aids like the photos of the areas discussed, or with the help of someone familiar with the way the towers were constructed.

However, I think the explanation here is sufficient  if read carefully, and maybe read  more than once.

Once you get it, it is very simple, simple enough that it could be explained to a child or to someone with little to no construction or engineering experience: i.e. most Americans.

 It's almost as simple and comprehensible as "water is wet" or "gravity pulls downward" or "fire is hot".

I encourage people to read my theory above, until it is understood, and perhaps then there will be less and less of the "no planes" theory, which is unproven, apparently unprovable, and in my view,  nonsense;  and which also serves as disinformation.

 Nothing against Jim Fetzer and any other "no-planes" advocates, but I believe they have not considered the explanation I offer here, which  requires nothing but common sense and the same familiarity  with the general properties of steel and of reinforced concrete  that we all share from everyday life.

One more thing. The no-planes trheory may be sincere, and it may seem to make sense, but regardless, it has served as a counter-conspiracy theory which has helped to discredit ALL other destruction theories,  in a "tarred with the same brush" manner.

 The no-planes theory is, whether inadvertently or purposely,  DISINFORMATION,  which PREVENTS an accurate and useful and TRUE understanding of the process by which the Twin Towers were  really destroyed.
*Or two, or even one story; because of staggered placement, during construction, of the prefab chex units]
Author: John Gibson Sosman
December 11, 2018