Visible Explosion at World Trade Center
The next video which needs to be watched is this one:
September 11, 2001, World Trade Center Twin Towers PROOF OF
That is a radical claim, but it is true.
Not that the law enforcement people will do anything about it.
But any policeman or police force in the country, from Barney Fife to the FBI, can look at this and see that it is proof of demolition, and that therefore, 9/11 was prepared beforehand, and that therefore, the destruction of the Twin Towers was CAUSED BY EXPLOSIVES along with incendiary material, and NOT BY ANY OTHER CAUSE.
by any other cause, NOTot by the plane, and NOT by the office fire. Explosives, and probably a thermitic or other aluminothermic incendiary material.
But mainly high explosive, JUST LIKE A BUILDING DEMOLITION.
Not a DEW. (Direced Energy Weapon) Not a nuclear weapon. It's simpler than that.
I worked 35 years in construction. I've cut steel and concrete and tried to break concrete and steel in various ways and it is damned hard stuff and you cannot just cut it with your little saw or break it with your little hammer.
I am tired of America, in the sense of a group of maybe about a hundred million adults, being so stupid as a group organism, that it can't see, or maybe just refuses to notice, the HUGE difference between a skyscraper falling DOWN and a skyscraper blowing UP.
It is a mass delusion or hypnosis, the likes of which has never occurred in my lifetime - that is, this illusion that the Towers were not blown up, when any child can see- even my CAT could understand- that the Twin Towers were blown up.
We all walk on concrete, and use steel in many ways; everyone is familiar with it. And so, every day, we trust our lives to steel and concrete. It is absurd to believe that it can just turn itself to dust in a few seconds for no good reason- UNLESS, that is, EXPLOSIVES ARE USED.
And then by THAT means, steel and concrete can instantly be can be blown into dust and small fragments and molten droplets, but by no other known means. (excluding things like volcanoes, asteroid strikes, or nuclear explosives)
It's time for the whole country to quit lying to itself about this.
One person at a time. For those who do not love war.
Are you one of those?
Or do you want to keep on having continual war justified by the lies of the government as to the cause of 9/11?
I want the United States to quit being the country with either the stupidest, or the most in denial, population on Earth.
There is no need for more speculation or theories about dummies or any other crazy ideas. We need answers that are accurate, understandable, and not flaky but solid and unassailable.
Pay attention please, everyone. The topic is the event in the little video entitled
"Visible Explosion at World Trade Center".
First, a small letdown, perhaps.
You don't have to solve it. Just understand the solution.
This should not be at all difficult or confusing.
This understanding can, and should be definite, not a bit ambiguous or uncertain, for this is solid proof.
Please read on.
This little mystery has been solved for over two years.
ALL BY ITSELF, the answer to the flying black thing called "Visible Explosion.." is strong enough evidence to prove demolition of the Tower by explosive charges.
That is a radical claim, but it is true.
Not that the law enforcement people will do anything about it.
But any policeman or police force in the country could look at this, and see that it is proof of demolition, and that therefore, 9/11 was prepared beforehand; and the destruction of the Towers was caused by explosives, and not by any other cause, not by the plane and not by the fire.
And probably incendiaries, some kind of thermitic, but mainly high explosive, just like a regular demolition.
Not a DEW. Not a nuclear weapon.
I worked 30 years in construction, and am tired of Americans being so willfully ignorant that they cannot see, or refuse to notice, the unmistakable difference between skyscrapers falling DOWN and skyscrapers blowing UP.
It is a mass delusion or hypnosis the likes of which has never occurred in my lifetime - that is, this illusion that the Towers were not blown up, when any child can see they are blown up.
We all walk on concrete and trust our lives to steel and concrete every day, and it is absurd to believe that it can just turn itself to dust in a few seconds for no good reason- UNLESS EXPLOSIVES ARE USED, and then it can be blown into dust, but by almost no other known means.
It's time for the whole country to quit lying to itself about this.
There is no need for more speculation or theories about dummies, holograms, jumpers, or whatever.
These unsupportable and most often absurd theories do more harm than good for the 9/11 truth movement.
Such fantasies might have well have been created by disinformation specialists, (although I'm not claiming they were) since bizarre theories work so well to paint the truth movement as a bunch of wackos.
However, geotextile fabric is quite real, and it is really used in demolitions, and here is real photographic evidence of its real use in one explosion of many that were taking place as the tower collapsed.
What else is needed?
This is, as I wrote, proof.
Not "maybe proof", or "YOUR proof", or "MY proof".
It's more like this: rock-solid proof.
It's not true on some "conditional basis", or "possibly true", or "partly true" or "relatively true" or "halfway true".
It's not a case of "Oh well, that's YOUR reality, but I have MY reality."
No. Open your eyes and see.
It's just true. 100 percent, with no room for any other explanation, none of which work anyway.
Why not stick with the right answer for once,
ince we can never have enough right answers about what really happened, and as of now more than 13 years after the event, we still have too few.
It's simple. It's "smoking gun" proof, and should not be ignored.
People should stop trying to pretend or imagine that it is something like a gelatin dummy or a 3D projection or a CGI effect added later.
The real explanation is simpler, and even better, it works perfectly. Why? Because it is the right answer to this particular 9/11 mystery.
It is very easy to understand, and once understood, the conclusion of explosive demolition cannot be evaded.
I challenge anyone in the world to prove that what I am saying is incorrect.
Is it geotextile, typical of demolition use, or is it not?
I say it is.
Prove me wrong.
And if it is geotextile, then the conclusion is inevitable that 9/11 was an inside job.
It's a 2 + 2= 4 kind of answer. It is that definite, and that simple and easy to comprehend.
That means, in a courtroom, this alone could convict the people who set the explosives.
IF it ever gets to a courtroom, and the only way that will happen is if Americans wake up and demand a REAL investigation of the the greatest domestic crime of the new century, which is unsolved.
The fact of demolition is proven. Who did it? I don't know.
Back to this flying object in the video here. It is a definite thing, a commercially availble thing, commonly used, well-known, and in the encyclopedia.
Demolition workers know what it is and use it on demolitions by the hundreds of pieces, and it always behaves and looks EXACTLY like this thing in the video above.
Ergo, again: this flying black thing proves demolition all by itself.
It's a fabric used in building demolitions and it is distinctive, and is blown out in a straight line leading an explosive squib from a shaped charge blowing either a steel column or steel beam.
Concrete columns are treated differently, but the WTC didn't have concrete columns, it had steel ones, and this geotextile is a signature of blowing up structural steel.
"In building demolition, geotextile fabrics in combination with steel wire fencing can contain explosive debris"
WGBH Boston (December 1996). "Interview with Stacey Loizeaux". NOVA Online. Public Broadcasting Service. Retrieved 2009-04-29. Other preparatory operations involve covering/wrapping the columns first with chain link fences and then with geotextile fabric, which is very puncture resistant and has a very high tensile strength. It allows the concrete to move, but it keeps the concrete from flying. The chain link catches the bigger material and the fabric catches the smaller material from flying up and out.
which shows the identical nature of the item here, and also in 2 other, different, building demolitions done by CDI, Inc (Controlled Demolition, Inc.)